The Section is dedicated to promoting excellence in the practice of oil, gas and energy resources law by (1) monitoring legal developments, (2) providing education, (3) encouraging and facilitating practice in the area and (4) promoting ethics and professionalism; in each case coordinating as appropriate with similar professional organizations.
The Oil, Gas and Energy Resources Law Section of the State Bar publishes three Section Reports for all Section members annually, with additional periodic special editions. Copies of Section Reports are available to Section members in the Library section of this website.
The Section also sponsors the following continuing education seminars each year:
- State Bar of Texas Oil & Gas Advanced Course;
- UTCLE Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Fundamentals Course;
- UTCLE Ernest E. Smith Oil, Gas and Mineral Law Institute;
- UTCLE Renewable Energy Essentials;
- UTCLE Renewable Energy Institute;
- State Bar of Texas Oil & Gas Disputes;
- State Bar of Texas Oil & Gas Title Examination (even years only).
The Section additionally sponsors projects and programs designed to serve our members and the State Bar of Texas, including a scholarship program for law school students; an internship program in connection with Texas state agencies whose work concerns and impacts Texas’s energy resources; membership socials and networking events; and sponsorship and appointment of members of the Texas Title Examination Standards Board.
The Section is governed by a nine (9) person Council, with three positions elected annually at the Section’s Annual Meeting for terms of three (3) years each, and six (6) officers, also elected annually at the Section's Annual Meeting.